How to use

This library is built for getting, creating, updating and deleting workspaces, coveragestores, featurestores, and styles. Some examples are shown below.

Getting started with geoserver-rest

This following step is used to initialize the library. It takes parameters as geoserver url, username, password.

from geo.Geoserver import Geoserver
geo = Geoserver('', username='admin', password='geoserver')

Creating workspaces


Creating coveragestores

It is helpful for publishing the raster data to the geoserver. Here if you don’t pass the lyr_name parameter, it will take the raster file name as the layer name.

geo.create_coveragestore(layer_name='layer1', path=r'path\to\raster\file.tif', workspace='demo')


If your raster is not loading correctly, please make sure you assign the coordinate system for your raster file.

If the layer_name already exists in geoserver, it will automatically overwrite the previous one.

Creating and publishing featurestores and featurestore layers

It is used for connecting the PostGIS with geoserver and publish this as a layer. It is only useful for vector data. The postgres connection parameters should be passed as the parameters. For publishing the PostGIS tables, the pg_table parameter represent the table name in postgres

geo.create_featurestore(store_name='geo_data', workspace='demo', db='postgres', host='localhost', pg_user='postgres', pg_password='admin')
geo.publish_featurestore(workspace='demo', store_name='geo_data', pg_table='geodata_table_name')

The new function publish_featurestore_sqlview is available from geoserver-rest version 1.3.0. The function can be run by using following command,

sql = 'SELECT name, id, geom FROM post_gis_table_name'
geo.publish_featurestore_sqlview(store_name='geo_data', name='view_name', sql=sql, key_column='name', workspace='demo')

Creating and publishing shapefile datastore layers

The create_shp datastore function will be useful for uploading the shapefile and publishing the shapefile as a layer. This function will upload the data to the geoserver data_dir in h2 database structure and publish it as a layer. The layer name will be same as the shapefile name.

geo.create_shp_datastore(path=r'path/to/zipped/shp/', store_name='store', workspace='demo')

Creating and publishing datastore layers

The create_datastore function will create the datastore for the specific data. After creating the datastore, you need to publish it as a layer by using publish_featurestore function. It can take the following type of data path:

  1. Path to shapefile (.shp) file;

  2. Path to GeoPackage (.gpkg) file;

  3. WFS url (e.g. http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wfs?request=GetCapabilities) or;

  4. Directory containing shapefiles.

If you have PostGIS datastore, please use create_featurestore function.

geo.create_datastore(name="ds", path=r'path/to/shp/file_name.shp', workspace='demo')
geo.publish_featurestore(workspace='demo', store_name='ds', pg_table='file_name')

If your data is coming from WFS url, then use this,

geo.create_datastore(name="ds", path='http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wfs?request=GetCapabilities', workspace='demo')
geo.publish_featurestore(workspace='demo', store_name='ds', pg_table='wfs_layer_name')

Uploading and publishing styles

It is used for uploading SLD files and publish style. If the style name already exists, you can pass the parameter overwrite=True to overwrite it. The name of the style will be name of the uploaded file name.

Before uploading SLD file, please check the version of your sld file. By default the version of sld will be 1.0.0. As I noticed, by default the QGIS will provide the .sld file of version 1.0.0 for raster data version 1.1.0 for vector data.

geo.upload_style(path=r'path\to\sld\file.sld', workspace='demo')
geo.publish_style(layer_name='geoserver_layer_name', style_name='sld_file_name', workspace='demo')

Creating and applying dynamic styles based on the raster coverages

It is used to create the style file for raster data. You can get the color_ramp name from matplotlib colormaps. By default color_ramp='RdYlGn' (red to green color ramp).

geo.create_coveragestyle(raster_path=r'path\to\raster\file.tiff', style_name='style_1', workspace='demo', color_ramp='RdBu_r')
geo.publish_style(layer_name='geoserver_layer_name', style_name='raster_file_name', workspace='demo')


If you have your own custom color and the custom label, you can pass the values:color pair as below to generate the map with dynamic legend.

c_ramp = {
    'label 1 value': '#ffff55',
    'label 2 value': '#505050',
    'label 3 value': '#404040',
    'label 4 value': '#333333'

# you can also pass this list of color if you have your custom colors for the ``color_ramp``
                            color_ramp=[#ffffff, #453422,  #f0f0f0, #aaaaaa],
geo.publish_style(layer_name='geoserver_layer_name', style_name='raster_file_name', workspace='demo')

For generating the style for classified raster, you can pass the another parameter called cmap_type='values' as,

geo.create_coveragestyle(raster_path=r'path\to\raster\file.tiff', style_name='style_1', workspace='demo', color_ramp='RdYiGn', cmap_type='values')
Options for create_coveragestyle








This is optional field. If you don’t pass the style_name parameter, then it will take the raster file name as the default name of style in geoserver




path to the raster file (Required)




The name of the workspace. Optional field. It will take the default workspace of geoserver if nothing is provided


string, list, dict


The color ramp name. The name of the color ramp can be found here in matplotlib colormaps




For overwriting the previous style file in geoserver

Creating feature styles

It is used for creating the style for point, line and polygon dynamically. It currently supports three different types of feature styles:

  1. Outline featurestyle: For creating the style which have only boundary color but not the fill style

  2. Catagorized featurestyle: For creating catagorized dataset

  3. Classified featurestyle: Classify the input data and style it: (For now, it only supports polygon geometry)

geo.create_outline_featurestyle(style_name='new_style', color="#3579b1", geom_type='polygon', workspace='demo')
geo.create_catagorized_featurestyle(style_name='name_of_style', column_name='name_of_column', column_distinct_values=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7], workspace='demo')
geo.create_classified_featurestyle(style_name='name_of_style', column_name='name_of_column', column_distinct_values=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7], workspace='demo')


  • The geom_type must be either point, line or polygon.

  • The color_ramp name can be obtained from matplotlib colormaps.

The options for creating categorized/classified featurestyles are as follows,

Options for create_catagorized_featurestyle and create_classified_featurestyle








This is optional field. If you don’t pass the style_name parameter, then it will take the raster file name as the default name of style in geoserver




The name of the column, based on which the style will be generated




The column distinct values based on which the style will be applied/classified. This option is only available for create_classified_featurestyle




The name of the workspace. Optional field. It will take the default workspace of geoserver if nothing is provided




The color ramp name. The name of the color ramp can be found here in matplotlib colormaps




The geometry type, available options are point, line or polygon


color hex value


The outline color of the polygon/line




For overwriting the previous style file in geoserver

Deletion requests examples

# delete workspace

# delete layer
geo.delete_layer(layer_name='agri_final_proj', workspace='demo')

# delete feature store, i.e. remove postgresql connection
geo.delete_featurestore(featurestore_name='ftry', workspace='demo')

# delete coveragestore, i.e. delete raster store
geo.delete_coveragestore(coveragestore_name='agri_final_proj', workspace='demo')

# delete style file
geo.delete_style(style_name='kamal2', workspace='demo')

Some get request examples

# get geoserver version
version = geo.get_version()

# get ststem info
status = geo.get_status()
system_status = geo.get_system_status()

# get workspace
workspace = geo.get_workspaces(workspace='workspace_name')

# get default workspace
dw = geo.get_default_wokspace(workspace='workspace_name')

# get all the workspaces
workspaces = geo.get_workspaces()

# get datastore
datastore = geo.get_datastores(store_name='store')

# get all the datastores
datastores = geo.get_datastores()

# get coveragestore
cs = geo.get_coveragestore(coveragestore_name='cs')

# get all the coveragestores
css = geo.get_coveragestores()

# get layer
layer = geo.get_layer(layer_name='layer_name')

# get all the layers
layers = geo.get_layers()

# get layergroup
layergroup = geo.get_layergroup('layergroup_name')

# get all the layers
layergroups = geo.get_layergroups()

# get style
style = geo.get_style(style_name='style_name')

# get all the styles
styles = geo.get_styles()

# get featuretypes
featuretypes = geo.get_featuretypes(store_name='store_name')

# get feature attribute
fa = geo.get_feature_attribute(feature_type_name='ftn', workspace='ws', store_name='sn')

# get feature store
fs = geo.get_featurestore(store_name='sn', workspace='ws')

Special functions

# Reloads the GeoServer catalog and configuration from disk. This operation is used in cases where an external tool has modified the on-disk configuration. This operation will also force GeoServer to drop any internal caches and reconnect to all data stores.

# Resets all store, raster, and schema caches. This operation is used to force GeoServer to drop all caches and store connections and reconnect to each of them the next time they are needed by a request. This is useful in case the stores themselves cache some information about the data structures they manage that may have changed in the meantime.

# set default workspace

Global parameters for most functions

The following parameters are common to most functions/methods:

  • workspace: If workspace is not provided, the function will take the default workspace.

  • overwrite: This parameter takes only the boolean value. In most of the create method, the overwrite parameter is available. The default value is False. But if you set it to True, the method will be in update mode.